Tacos, Tequila, Therapy & The Tea
Join me, Patrice B, for Tacos, Tequila Therapy & the Tea podcast. We're going to be talking about the beauty industry and everything else from life to love to motivation. I'll be taking you along my healed and healing journey as I navigate the growth and self-awareness that comes with it. Every day I learn something new and there's a new opportunity to share my passion with others. I've done it on the stage, in the classroom, and behind the chair, and now I'm going to share it with you!
I am a hair stylist, entrepreneur, educator, and mom who has been in the beauty industry for over 20 years. I will be talking about hair, beauty and how to get that mind right because I believe that goes hand in hand with what we do behind the chair.
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Tacos, Tequila, Therapy & The Tea
Being Present In Today
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Have you ever found yourself getting so lost in the past that you lost track of the present? That's what I'm talking about today. The other day with a client, I got so deep looking into what we had done with her hair the last time that I didn't notice that we already had a plan for that day. The past got you here. The future isn't here yet. Be present in today and know that you've got the right tools in place.
I offer 1-to-1 training to help you find the systems, train the people, make it work and provide the best customer service in your salon. Send me a DM on Instagram to learn more! https://www.instagram.com/patricestar
Find out more about Patrice's courses and faves on her website https://www.thedesignstudiomd.com/
Music credit: LA Nightlife by Full Frontal Audio
A Subito Media production
Welcome back y'all to Tacos Tequila Therapy and the tea with your girl. Uh, look, Scorpio season has been absolutely, absolutely amazing. I had a time. It was an emotional space as an emotional rollercoaster, and I loved every bit of it, every, every bit of it. I'm telling you, it was amazing, but I'm, I'm, I'm back with some, some Patrisse Beat Patrisse and the life be lifin Okay. So today I wanted to talk to you guys about how sometimes we focus so much on the past and the ifs that we don't pay attention to the present. My life lessons, a lot of times I've learned a lot, like what makes me aware of my shit. It happens in a salon. I swear to you, it could be I'm applying color and I got an epiphany of girl, get your life right. But this one day I was looking, I was doing a client's hair. She comes in and she's like, Hey, I'm going to get it straight this time. She's not getting twists. And I'm blow drying her hair out and her ends are not happy. They're at a point where they need some loving. Right? And I'm sitting here thinking like, her ends are terrible. When do we get here? Are we not doing that today? Because when I asked her what we were doing, I had not quite looked at the book. Um, I didn't look at all the services that she was receiving. So, I just went by what she said, we're going, but I'm blow drying. And I was like, this doesn't look right. So I hadn't said anything to her yet, but once I finished blow drying, I was like, your hands look bad. When was the last time we did it? Cause I immediately went to. The past like when was the last time I still hadn't looked at what we were going to do for the day and I'm like In my mind i'm beating myself up. I did some scrolling. I looked at the last date. I was like, oh my gosh Why didn't we even plan this out? Like and anybody who knows me when you in a salon with me, honey I'm about healthy hair and I will plan your life out We plan out those trims those treatments everything and this is a client that I see regularly and often Um, so why wouldn't I have a plan for her? And so I did all this scrolling minutes being wasted. Cause I'm looking so far in the past that minutes are being wasted. I then get to something I went back to today because I was going to add it to the book, add it to her appointment for today. So when I ring her out, it's there. And it was already on the book. We already had a plan. We had already had the plan. And in that moment, what I got immediately was be present in today. And stop worrying about the past. Because I immediately went back. And if I was president today, I would have known that we already had a plan. And everything was going to be okay going forward. Because what is today presenting? It ain't even about the future yet, right? But from today, I can have somewhat of a gauge of what we would like to do the next time. But I was going so far and spending so much time in the past that I wasn't present in today. And it made me think about an array of shit, y'all, when I tell you an array of shit, it made me think about my sister immediately came to my mind. Now, my sister wasn't no prolific type of person. She, she gave you some gems, but the gems was usually like, Hey, I owe you some money and I ain't giving it back. So she'll have a little saying, but my sister used to say this all the time. If ifs were a fifth, we would all be drunk. A N D. You should used to apply this when you'd be like, where my money at Linda, you owe me some money. And she, I was like, and she, she'd always be like, if it's a fifth, we would all be drunk. Or she'd be like, as long as I owe you, you'll never go broke. Right. But if, if ifs were a fifth, we would all be drunk. And so sometimes it's always, if that person was better, if they could do this, if the future was this, if maybe we sometimes are so far in the past and in the future with the ifs and the things that we are not present in today to be great today. And we need a little of that. We need to be more present in the day. The past got you here. The future is not here yet. Be present in today and know that you've got the right tools in place to set you up to be great because everything that has happened in your past got you to today. So be present in motherfucking today and don't waste your time on the ifs. Because like LB said, Linda Brown said, if ifs were a fifth, we would all be drunk. So don't base your life now on the possibilities of the nots. Cause sometimes your ifs are not always the most positive thoughts. Cause sometimes those are not, we're not thinking all of the great things that could come out of it. Trust the process and be present in today. Trust that process and be present in today, please. And thank you. That past is gone. Don't give it any more minutes. Learn and keep moving forward. Cause we could keep wishing that my logo was better if they would just do this. If I did this, if I do this, this won't happen. If I don't do this, how about we be present in the day and do in the moment, do it in the moment. And y'all could be thinking about me this week when y'all be like, as soon as you'd be like, if I just, if I could just think, If ifs was a fifth, we would all be drunk. I know it sounds crazy to say it, but I hope y'all got the message because I did be president today. Be pregnant with possibilities like me, because I'm pregnant. I'm going to go see Usher and y'all I'm pregnant. He don't know it. I don't even think I know it. But when I left from going to see him, I, that whole weekend, I realized that I am pregnant with all kinds of possibilities. As any other birthday season and I feel like that's when I come up with new possibilities. But be present in the moment. Enjoy today. And as always, y'all, it's short and to the point. I hope y'all got it. Thank you for always spending your time with me for sharing. I appreciate you who would listen, who have been on this journey with me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And until next time.