Tacos, Tequila, Therapy & The Tea
Join me, Patrice B, for Tacos, Tequila Therapy & the Tea podcast. We're going to be talking about the beauty industry and everything else from life to love to motivation. I'll be taking you along my healed and healing journey as I navigate the growth and self-awareness that comes with it. Every day I learn something new and there's a new opportunity to share my passion with others. I've done it on the stage, in the classroom, and behind the chair, and now I'm going to share it with you!
I am a hair stylist, entrepreneur, educator, and mom who has been in the beauty industry for over 20 years. I will be talking about hair, beauty and how to get that mind right because I believe that goes hand in hand with what we do behind the chair.
Join me, follow, and share. Remember, you got options - choose The Tea with P!
Tacos, Tequila, Therapy & The Tea
Are You Tired or Fed Up?
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You can't touch a river in the same place twice. Life always flows forward. Are you flowing with it? This episode delves into understanding personal evolution, dealing with past traumas, and distinguishing between being tired and being fed up.
Let your emotions flow, embrace change, and ensure that every aspect of your life supports your growth and movement.
I offer 1-to-1 training to help you find the systems, train the people, make it work and provide the best customer service in your salon. Send me a DM on Instagram to learn more! https://www.instagram.com/patricestar
Find out more about Patrice's courses and faves on her website https://www.thedesignstudiomd.com/
Music credit: LA Nightlife by Full Frontal Audio
A Subito Media production
Welcome back to the randomness podcast ever. Y'all I'm back again. It has been some time. I've taken some time just to reflect, get it together. So I can come back with you guys with some gems on how life be life and life lessons and things that I notice. And I try to put things into these layman terms or sometimes they'd be exaggerated and around the corner. We got to come back again to the point, right? Um, Because everything in life for me, I put into the simplest form for me to understand how to be great and that I will be great. Great. So today's word is coming with a little bit of eggnog. I'm sipping on nice and cozy, but I am definitely in a space of my new season of growth. Because as you know, Scorpio season is transformational. I'm here, you know, it's my new year, my new goals. What am I working on next? And I'm going to tell you the level of evolution is like, wow, but this This session for me right now is to be fluid and flow and to keep moving, right? And so a friend of mine in all of her countryness. And her sayings is that you never touch a river in the same place twice. And that kind of has stuck with me in life as to how I move about. with that saying, for one, water, body, rivers, lakes, water. They are always moving. There's always a constant movement. Sometimes it is raging, it is moving fast, and other times it can be just as calm with the smallest stream and flow, but it is always flowing and moving. But her saying of, you never touch a river in the same place twice. Understand that when people encounter you later in life, You are not the same person that they encountered before. Now with this, I want y'all to understand is that when you think about a body of water and at the core, things are held. And We have situations where, like, the water is raging, we have tsunamis because at the core something was brewing and it needed to come out. And so, understand we have to be able to deal with those things of past traumas. Things that hurt you any insecurities anything like that at the core when it comes to the surface It doesn't come out in a nice little stream It comes out and it is super powerful and we have to deal with things in that moment and it is just a moment But let's get that shit to the surface and move it out so we can keep moving. Cause some people think that they know you and they don't really know you. If they encountered you in a tsunami and now you at the stream, they don't know you. They don't know what it took for you to get to this calm space. But on the vice versa, when you met me, I was calm. Now I'm in this healing stage and shit's coming to the surface so you better fuck around and find out. And watch out. But with all of that, we have to keep moving and growing. And every day, like I'm going to tell you, like the fact that I'm today years old with a lot of things of making discoveries of life, it's like, Oh, this is something new, new in my approach to it, new in how I, React or don't or not, because I mean, shoot, I've been in a place, I feel like I've been having to be like, it's a test because motherfuckers will get on your last damn nerve. And then wonder why, like, you don't like the game or why you're so frustrated. How many times do we have to tell you over and over again? So at some point, somebody shifts in the dynamic and we are not the same. But we want to treat and conduct ourselves like before, like we are the same. That person isn't the same and you are not the same. If you are in a space of fluidity and you want to keep moving. But in this season, I hope that you guys Take time to let it flow so that you can grow. Let it out. And it doesn't matter if it's a tsunami or a stream. Just let it out. But if I can say anything, this isn't the time to be untired. Keep going. Let it flow. Because I just had to tell someone the other day, it's like, are you tired or are you fed up? And there's a difference in how we approach things when you're tired and when you're fed up. And I gave her the example of just relationship. Because we can think about it on the simplest form of relationships. Like, hey, I'm Man, I'm tired of his ass. He's doing all these things. He's getting on my nerves, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But when you fed up, that conversation is much different. You are out and you're like, fuck it, fuck him, fuck that, fuck it all. I'm out. Right? And so there is a definite difference between tired and fed up. And when in life, when life is starting to life with us and we're saying we're tired, are we tired of doing the same things? Cause we ain't quite fed up with the bullshit to stop it, to change it, to change your outcome. Think about for you, I hope in this season of transformation, are you tired or are you fed up with how things have been in your past? How you may have done things and it has not worked out for you. Are you tired or are you fed up to change things, change the dynamic, change how it goes for you. Get new relationships that definitely foster and help. Friendships. I seen this post and it talked about how, ships are meant to take you places, friendships, relationships, even situationships. That ship is moving. It is to get you to the next destination. Are you tired? Are you fed up? Keep moving and make sure that everything in your life supports your movement, your jobs, your friendships, even your family dynamics. Make sure that they help you in your growth, in your movement. Cause like I told you before, it's a difference between your circle and your circumference. Make sure the circle is the right group of people and leave the other people in a circumference wondering and trying to figure it the fuck out. But in all of my randomness, I hope you got the point is to let it flow, be great, and keep moving. Because the reality of life is that you cannot touch a river in the same place twice. As always, thank you, thank you, thank you, with a sip of my eggnog, nice and cozy. Until next time.