Tacos, Tequila, Therapy & The Tea
Join me, Patrice B, for Tacos, Tequila Therapy & the Tea podcast. We're going to be talking about the beauty industry and everything else from life to love to motivation. I'll be taking you along my healed and healing journey as I navigate the growth and self-awareness that comes with it. Every day I learn something new and there's a new opportunity to share my passion with others. I've done it on the stage, in the classroom, and behind the chair, and now I'm going to share it with you!
I am a hair stylist, entrepreneur, educator, and mom who has been in the beauty industry for over 20 years. I will be talking about hair, beauty and how to get that mind right because I believe that goes hand in hand with what we do behind the chair.
Join me, follow, and share. Remember, you got options - choose The Tea with P!
Tacos, Tequila, Therapy & The Tea
Giving - Having - Being Grace
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A word that keeps coming up for me for the last 6 months or so is grace. It means a lot of things to show grace, be grace, give grace, be graceful, and even to say grace. I have had some experiences recently where I would have liked to be given some grace in order to navigate the situation I was in.
Those experiences made me reevaluate the way I run my business, treat my clients, and communicate the expectations to the people in my life. It's important to give grace, conduct yourself with grace, but most importantly to give yourself some grace on your healed and healing journey because growth, transforming, transcending, and changing is difficult.
I offer 1-to-1 training to help you find the systems, train the people, make it work and provide the best customer service in your salon. Send me a DM on Instagram to learn more! https://www.instagram.com/patricestar
Find out more about Patrice's courses and faves on her website https://www.thedesignstudiomd.com/
Music credit: LA Nightlife by Full Frontal Audio
A Subito Media production
Welcome back, y'all, to this most randomest podcast ever. But in this season, y'all, I know I have been sharing all the things in my healed and healing journey. And I hope this, I hope that it helps someone or makes you aware of something. Shoot, I'm just sharing my stories. And sometimes it's, you know, it is my stories are not always my stories, but
Speaker 2:Y'all, I'm telling you, like when you start to become more self aware of your shit, man, things are like blaring lights. And so. With that being said, some of the things, and I'm excited about this y'all, because when I tell y'all sometimes it's uncomfortable, but I love how it's just making me more and more aware. But I will say in the last like six months for me, a word that has been standing out in this season for me and all of my lessons has been grace. Now it has been interesting as how we use grace in our lives, right?
Speaker:And it's so much so that I had to ponder and think about all the ways that we use the word grace, that we're going to go to Webster for this one. It's simple elegance or refinement of movement, courtesy, goodwill. It is something that you say before dinner. It is a word that we use to greet someone of royalty. It is that you can believe someone has in terms of personality, charm, grace, and beauty. It's to give someone honor or credit by one's presence. And to be an attractive person. In or on or adorned. And that was just, that's all of it. You go on from nouns to verbs. Like grace is just used in so many different ways. And I feel like I am in a space of grace. We are talking about a grace period of time, my presence, energy, And sometimes grace is given and sometimes it's not. I've had several situations where I've felt like, Oh, just a couple in different ways of when grace was not given and it wasn't understood. And it all came from the lack of communication. So, one situation is a connection with a friend and rules of engagement had changed. The friend felt like, hey, I shouldn't have to now update you and explain to you. And I'm like, hey friend, this is something so simple and you could have just talked to me. But the friend felt like, Hey, I don't got to explain that to you. But the thought is, is that, Hey friend, give me grace. If I needed to learn something new in our rules of engagement, a simple conversation could have been had and the outcome could be different. Well, I've gracefully exited that friendship. In a recent, situation, I had, a professional experience when it comes to grace. with a lack thereof. And what happened was that I was due to get my hair done. We had an appointment for 9. 30. I reach out at about 8. 40 because my morning changed. And I had to drop my youngest son off to school, which is going to affect my time. And I am very respectful of other people's business, like hands down, like if those are your rules, this is your rules, sir, ma'am, but we do expect for you to also abide by them as well. So what was interesting was that, I reached out at about 930. I reached out to say, Hey, you may, I may be like 10 or 15 minutes behind. And, she doesn't respond back until 926. was already at the place. So I was waiting to like see her walk in or something like that. But at 926, she was telling me, Yes, it is too late because I have someone behind you. The thing was, is that she never came. She never appeared. So even if I was able to change my timing, do something different, I Sis wasn't going to do my hair no way. That's what it appeared as now a customer and as a professional as to what that looks like. So before I even knew that she had responded back to me at 926 and I read it and I was like, Oh, let me, you know, Ooh, my apologies. And let me know if there's any fee for a missed appointment. And now let me preface by saying this, I didn't know the rules. I didn't know the rules of engagement. We had a discussion. I did not book it through her site because I was actually doing something that is not on her site. And so we were trying something new. But what was interesting is that Sis never even showed up. She had no intention on coming. Whether I was on time or not, she never showed up because I was there well before nine in the space. Me running behind was just saying like, Hey, I may just, I didn't give her all the details and maybe I should have, but at that point it doesn't even really matter when she responded. I was when she did and she never intended on coming. But I went to her site and she has a grace period of if you're 10 minutes late, there's a fee and after 15, you're canceled. And so, at that moment, I was like, wait a minute, when did she respond back to me? wasn't giving me any grace. And when we are in those spaces of like the friend who decided that, Hey, I don't have to explain anything to you. The stylist that says like, Hey, I'm giving you no more than I give you nothing. Essentially. there was no grace. There was no time for grace. And being in this space of us having the grace periods, the grace periods of rest, a chance to get it together, how we present ourselves, What I gathered with all of my randomness in these two situations was, is that the grace that needs to be given, I need to give it to self. Be patient in your grace period of transitioning. Be gentle. Note that you are still graceful in your journey of transformation. You are amazing. And even in the times of you do not really feel like your best or you're still trying to figure it out. Just know that you are still royalty and full of grace. And it was more of the grace period of being still. listening. I'm in a grace period and around me I am seeing the benefit of grace. Owning it, knowing it, being still in it, being thankful for it. Because that's the other thing too is that I'm thankful for all of the experiences I have been having. Like the stylist that didn't show up also makes me aware of how do I conduct myself in my business? Making sure that when I'm dealing with customers that they are clear as to how I am to be treated and respected. And they have a time period to figure it out. Because I believe that you have to teach people how to treat you. And we need that grace period of time for them to learn it. And sometimes it comes a little bit more, quicker than other times. But note that, yes. Grace can show up in so many ways in your life and appreciate those moments. grace in the difficult moments. Be grateful in those moments of grace for things that are coming in the lessons that you are learning and know that you are worthy throughout the whole entire process. Because I'm now in a season of grace. And I don't know if any of you have ever paid attention to this. or being aware of it for yourself. And I hope this helps. I'm gonna tell you, I hope this helps someone and you realize that, give yourself grace in the craziest times and the best of times. Give yourself grace. Be thankful for what you are taking in and putting out. It's a wonderful time and it's healed in a healing journey. Y'all. I'm telling you, I'm loving every bit of it. I am loving every moment and this, the fact that I'm sharing it with you guys, it's like, Whoa, we have to give ourselves grace when we are ending relationships. And there's a period of like, Ooh, we got to figure it out. We got a grace period. Some people go a little longer with their grace period before they move on. And some people understand that it needed to end and they can move on faster because the healed and healing journey looks very different for different people and the lessons that we have to learn. and because I have been more hyper focused on being more self aware. And being in that space of knowing me, owning me is coming like rapid fire and I am so excited for it.
Speaker 2:But I have also been functioning in a space of grace of being thankful for what has been feeding my soul. And having grace while doing it. Cause I'm going to tell you, you are tested along the way. And sometimes we don't even give ourselves credit in that grace period, where we need a little, we need to give ourselves a little bit of grace in a period of transition and change because you need those moments to get it. Cause some things can happen quickly and some things move slower, but you have to give yourself grace. And so in this season of healed and healing, I hope you give yourself grace. I hope you move with grace. I hope that you have grace for what is coming for you. Because that shit ain't easy transforming, transcending, changing, movement, alterations, growth is difficult. It's difficult,
Speaker:And I know y'all could be anywhere but you spent your time with me until next time