Tacos, Tequila, Therapy & The Tea
Join me, Patrice B, for Tacos, Tequila Therapy & the Tea podcast. We're going to be talking about the beauty industry and everything else from life to love to motivation. I'll be taking you along my healed and healing journey as I navigate the growth and self-awareness that comes with it. Every day I learn something new and there's a new opportunity to share my passion with others. I've done it on the stage, in the classroom, and behind the chair, and now I'm going to share it with you!
I am a hair stylist, entrepreneur, educator, and mom who has been in the beauty industry for over 20 years. I will be talking about hair, beauty and how to get that mind right because I believe that goes hand in hand with what we do behind the chair.
Join me, follow, and share. Remember, you got options - choose The Tea with P!
Tacos, Tequila, Therapy & The Tea
Peace, Sanity, and Balance
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When people ask what I want for my birthday, I used to always say, “Peace, sanity, and balance.” What I’ve realized now is that those aren’t things someone can give to me.
We’ve talked before about this personal journey towards self-awareness and growth. When we really own our journey and our own peace, it’s yours! No one can take it away from you.
What have you been doing to get that peace, sanity, and balance for yourself? How have you been getting yourself away from the peace, sanity, and balance you want, need, and deserve?
I offer 1-to-1 training to help you find the systems, train the people, make it work and provide the best customer service in your salon. Send me a DM on Instagram to learn more! https://www.instagram.com/patricestar
Find out more about Patrice's courses and faves on her website https://www.thedesignstudiomd.com/
Music credit: LA Nightlife by Full Frontal Audio
A Subito Media production
Welcome back to Tacos, Tequila, Therapy, and the Tea. I'm so happy to be back with you guys in this 2024. And I'm gonna apologize now because today was like, in my mind, it was bring your dog to work day. So I decided to Bring my boo with me because we together, you know what I'm saying? Me and her together. And so if you hear her, she just hype because she want to be a part of the podcast. I'm gonna let Z to boo be great. So you will probably hear her bouncing in and out because sometimes she really thinks she a part of my life. She brought a home life, but when they come to work, she'd be like, you know, she ain't here, but we was together today. So she with me, but this week, it was just like, I'm in this space, right? And I think I've been telling you all this for a minute of some self awareness. And so I'm hoping that I'm not alone in these conversations when I'm talking about like things that I'm really thinking about. Sometimes I know I could be random as hell, but it is very much like I'm talking to people, things that I'm thinking. Sometimes I know that I'm not alone, but I'm just wondering if anybody else out here be feeling like this, right? So am I, me being aware of my shit, right? It had to be cause y'all, I told y'all I've been trying to own. My shit, right? Where I am and where I'm going, but remembering where I've been. And so, I always used to say like, for my birthday I want peace. Peace, sanity, and balance, what you want for your birthday, peace, sanity, and balance. I do not want nobody getting on my damn nerves, but I just want some peace. I want some balance in life. I want to work. I'm going to make my money. I want to do all these things, right? I want life to be easy. I want peace, sanity, and balance, and I was saying that for years of that's what I want And something that came to me just recently, and what I've realized is that I had the order wrong. For one, my peace, sanity, and balance did not come in that order. I know I was asking for it. I didn't know how it was going to come. It didn't all come together. They came one at a time, but it didn't come in that order. And what I realized was, and I'm going to tell you, hope I ain't the only one out here for this, but it came and I had to become sane before I could find peace and then I can have some balance. So in my self awareness journey, I really had to be aware of what were the things that Patrice has done to herself. Did you not know your value? Did you lose your mind along the way? being aware of your shit, like where you went wrong. What did you not get in the process, right? Hey Zita boo, you feel it too? I get you boo, we together. So, I realized that the sanity part had to come first. And I'ma tell you, in that part of being sane, you realize that like, damn, that's you. That was me right there. Oh, it's, it's disrespectful. It will hurt your damn feelings when you start to realize the things that you needed to do better for yourself before you can expect for anyone to give it to you for you to receive it. Sometimes you got to be aware. And I know I done said that several times and no, I don't have a degree, but I, I been, you know, I done lived a life, but I've been in that space of being aware. And sometimes people are not aware. The first part I feel like is acceptance and when you know it's you and some people are really not aware of this, right? But I am. I'm aware of what part did I play in this not going well for me. Some people aren't there. And once you become aware and you accept it, then you have to adjust your And I've had moments in my life where I've looked back and overall, like you could say like, Oh, you know, I've been, I've, Patrice is Patrice. I ain't gonna lie. I've been priced as a kid. Some of the things that are now as an adult, I am still Patrice. But not everything was the best of Patrice that I was doing. And y'all, to be honest, I had moments in, in time where like, I could, and I was having this conversation with a friend of my level of anger. Like, I'm going from 0 to 60. I had times in my life where I couldn't even explain to you why I was mad, but I was just mad now. Ida flew off the handle, but now I'm at a point where I could say like, Hey, I have a problem with that and adjust. And so that gives a person an opportunity to know that that doesn't work for me. And they have been, then it's put on them to say like, well, Hey, I acknowledge that my bad. I won't do that again. I will respect you. And, and if they don't, then you get what you get right after that is on them, but you've given somebody an opportunity and that's a part of that communication. And I don't feel like I've always done that well, but the more I have grown in my business. Because my job is to daily, daily, I am asking people questions and it's a communication. you have to get to know each other. I say it to clients all the time. Especially new clients, like girl I don't know you. We gotta get to know each other. So if you sit in my chair and assume because I am an artist, I should just know what to do with you, yeah, I know what to do, but I don't know you. And I always give them the most extreme examples when they be like, so what do you think? What do you wanna do today? What do you see for me? And I be like, well, I see green. And they be like, I can't wear no green. I said, then tell me what you want. Cause that's what I've asked you. You can definitely tell me what you don't want, and I feel like that's how I've learned to communicate in relationships and really have to understand the person that I'm dealing with. So I feel like, let me explain to them, let me know who you dealing with. And so, I feel like work and personal life, in terms of friendships, relationships, They do kind of cross over, like I will kind of treat a relationship like business because business is working for me in terms of communication, getting the point across, understanding what they want. And I want that same feeling in my connections, be it friendships or love connections. And I have to realize that you have to, how do I put this? In the space. You do have to have a person who is emotionally mature to be on that level with you. So once I started to make connections, and my connections were with people who were on that level with me emotionally and growing, then it made more sense. So then I became more sane, and then I was a little bit more at peace, and now it's like, hey, I'm working on that balance. But in this process, I feel like everything is a process, but it starts with us. And do we know exactly where we are in our journey and what we're asking for? And I know that not always it comes in the order that we expect because I thought it was going to come peace first and then the sanity and then some balance. But I had to get sane before I can even understand peace. And then I can create the balance because I see so much growth in just being aware of my shit and my connections with people. Like the one thing I've realized too, is that when somebody be like, yeah, I got to protect my peace. I'm talking about once you got it and you own it, can't nobody take that shit from you. No one. That's the part that people miss, that when you really own that piece, when you really own your sanity, you own your balance, can't nobody take that from you. That's like taking knowledge from you. Once you've read the book, you already know it. Can't nobody take that from you. And it's like, how much do you own your shit? How much are you owning the good and the bad? I'm going to tell you that is nothing that has happened in my life that I am ashamed of and I have no problem with telling anybody. Because what I know is that everybody got a skeleton. Everybody has something with them. Nobody is perfect. And so I do not acknowledge judgment because you cannot judge me for anything that has happened in my past. If you don't like it, that's your problem. I had to live it. You didn't. So when you own it, can't nobody take that from you, especially when you get to that level of peace. So like when I was talking to you guys last time, when people are talking about like, you know, you got to keep your circle small, you got to be intentional with your circle. Not everybody may be on that level because a lot of people be like, I got to protect my peace. My peace is here. But if you get penitentiary paddy, that was on you because I am peaceful. You deserve what you got. And y'all don't forget that. You know, I still got my size. I got positive, passionate, penitentiary and petty and pick a paddy to get. They're still there, but what I can give you is the peaceful, positive and passionate side, because that's the life I'm living and it is still there. It is not gone. But petty and penitentiary ain't too far behind if you won't play. And I own that, but that doesn't make me any less peaceful. I just know now when to use it. Even Zita Boo agree, you hear she harping up on it. She on it. She know. But it is, absolutely one of those things of when you are in the space of owning your shit, your mistakes, your accomplishments, no one can take that from you. There is no one that can take it from you. So when I hear, yeah, I got to protect my peace, I got to stay to myself. No, I can be out in public and be peaceful as hell. You can be bitter. You can be mad. You can be unhealed. You can be crazy because I haven't crossed over the same peaceful and now I'm finding my balance and you cannot knock me off of that. The only person that can take me out of something that I know for certain is me. Me. It's not an outside person. It's me. And I'm like, wow. Oh, it's putting the ownership back on myself to be like, what you going to do for you? How are you going to handle this? How are you going to make it make sense? It's not always a parent, a baby daddy, baby mama, wife, husband. What you going to do for you? Because once you become in a space of sane and peaceful, you can see when shit is crazy that isn't working for you. You can remove yourself and you remove yourself without the worry or feeling of like, Hey, I'm missing out on something. You ain't missing nothing when they don't match the energy. When you see people for who they are, and is that a space that you want to be in? And you could probably call that protecting when you find yourself having to remove it. Remove them from your environment. But overall, it's like, Own your shit. Cause nobody is knocking me out of this peaceful era. I have seen some things, I have done some things. But it all got me to the point of growth. Somebody may not like it and you got options not to be around it. Do what you gotta do for you. And I'll do what I have to do what's best for me. I'll do what I have to do, and you, I'll do what's best for me, and you do what's best for you. But, you really just gotta own it. Peace, sanity, and balance is yours. It is for the taking. What you gonna do with it? And sometimes I have so much hope for people. I guess we do. Right? I do. Like, oh, they're here. And I hope that they get to the next level of whatever their peace, sanity, and balance is for them, right? Some people don't make it. They do it in their own time. And I wish, I wish and hope and pray for each of you that you find your peace, sanity and balance. That no one can take that from you. It is yours. It's knowledge, it's an experience, it's an awareness that you have that no one can take from you. They tried. But just when you recognize that they're not sane, peaceful, or balanced, but it doesn't really change you. In 2024, we're going to get it together. Ladies and gents, we're going to get it together. And have and be who we should be in our lives. Grow, love ourselves a little bit more. Cause I'm going to tell you when I look back on times of some of the stuff I did, I was like, dang, was I loving me? Cause I don't think I was. Cause that was crazy. But when you know your worth, baby, honey, let me tell you, it makes people uncomfortable. They are uncomfortable cause they look for the reactions. They look for. You know, it could be at your job. When you know that you are the person doing your job. You are doing the best at your job. You are good at what you do. You can have a co worker. Child that will try to knock you off that pedestal. They will go to the boss with some shit. Like, but that is like, Girl, Sir, Ma'am. That's your problem. I'm doing my job. But when you stand in your truth. Can't nobody budge you from that. And it don't matter who you believe in, who is your higher power. If you feel like you the higher power, good for you as well, but you ain't been put on this earth to fail and not be your best self. Don't blame your current shortcomings on your past, learn from your past and grow. It's no need to repeat old habits. Peace, sanity, and balance is yours. And I need to stop saying it in order because it probably goes sanity, peace, then balance. Whichever way it goes for you. But as always, I appreciate all the love that you guys give, listening and sharing. I am so grateful. I am truly, truly grateful. Words just can't express like I'm on this journey and I'm like, this is my open journal to you guys because you know, I got options, but I hope this helps someone love themselves a little bit more today and know that no one can take away what you have learned. Especially once you really and truly have acknowledged it, adjusted, and changed for the better. Can't nobody take that away from you. If they don't like it, so damn what? But note that I love and appreciate you all and thank you for listening to the most randomist podcast ever with your girl Patrice B. Until next time. Thank you all.