Tacos, Tequila, Therapy & The Tea
Join me, Patrice B, for Tacos, Tequila Therapy & the Tea podcast. We're going to be talking about the beauty industry and everything else from life to love to motivation. I'll be taking you along my healed and healing journey as I navigate the growth and self-awareness that comes with it. Every day I learn something new and there's a new opportunity to share my passion with others. I've done it on the stage, in the classroom, and behind the chair, and now I'm going to share it with you!
I am a hair stylist, entrepreneur, educator, and mom who has been in the beauty industry for over 20 years. I will be talking about hair, beauty and how to get that mind right because I believe that goes hand in hand with what we do behind the chair.
Join me, follow, and share. Remember, you got options - choose The Tea with P!
Tacos, Tequila, Therapy & The Tea
Keeping Your Word To Yourself
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I’m so glad to be back with you after the holidays! As you know, I start my new year back at my birthday, but this year I had trouble keeping focused. When everyone starts talking about New Year, New Me, I had a thought…
I’ve never done the “new me” part of that. My goal is to meet the next stage of my growth with purpose and intention and keep my promises to myself.
I offer 1-to-1 training to help you find the systems, train the people, make it work and provide the best customer service in your salon. Send me a DM on Instagram to learn more! https://www.instagram.com/patricestar
Find out more about Patrice's courses and faves on her website https://www.thedesignstudiomd.com/
Music credit: LA Nightlife by Full Frontal Audio
A Subito Media production
Hello all and welcome to 2024. Can you believe it? Like it's here already. Oh my goodness. It's been a minute since I've been with you guys because the, the season came in and it was, Ooh, child, I was busy. It's crazy. I just couldn't figure it out, but I'm here now. And I hope all of you are in your year of a, a new year, new you. Now, I don't ever get new, but I do get better with time. And I have to share with you guys, like, my new year starts at birthday and I know I told you that back in November, like from birthday to birthday, that is my new year. I do not wait for January and you know, sometimes throughout the year I gotta restart. But this time when my birthday came I had Trouble just focusing and I know that I'm not the only one in this realm of life They're just like what is next? What is up? And I was really like What is it that I want to do next cuz the year 23 Your girl accomplished a lot. The fact that I'm even here with you right now on the podcast was saying like, Hey, you did that. And now it's like, what is next for you? You know how sometimes you can see it, you can feel it, but you like, what are the steps to get there? Sometimes you just got to move. In the holiday season, it gave me a moment to really reflect on what this next stage of growth is for me, because it's never a new me because I love me. I love me and all of the facets of me. Oh, just like good, bad or indifferent. I appreciate them and even in mistakes I learn. But what was next for me? My next stage, the next stage for me is intention and discipline. And it's saying like, hey girl, you want that? What you going to do to get it? Are you going to be consistent? And I really had to process what does that look like for me? I had so many thoughts and so many, and we think about like a new year, new me. Like we have all of these plans the other years. Why do we have to start anew? Why can't we just improve, have discipline in the things that we've already set out for ourselves to do. And I want to be intentional. And this is like me putting it out to the universe, to you guys, as friends, family. hold me accountable because I would do the same for you, but being intentional with what I say, I want, I want to be intentional with my circle, the people that are in it. And I know that we always hear like, Oh, I don't mess with people. That's a, that's a new thing. Everybody. I don't like new friends. I don't like people. I don't like this. But what I like is for that people show me who they are good or bad, right? When someone is not for you, they show you some more loudly than others. Some are very sneaky, but they show you and I appreciate those people for showing me because then it allows me to look out for me. They can continue to be whatever fuck that person they are. Over there. But for me, that may not work here. You have some people that may not do the things that you do, how you do it. And that doesn't make them bad, it just makes them them. So, this stage of growth, for me, is just being intentional with who is in the circle. Of making sure that I have the right players, the key people in my life that aids in the discipline and intention for me moving forward of where I want to be, where I'm going and even where I am, right? And so, when we are intentional in our actions, We can be intentional with our friends, with our journey, and where we're trying to go. And so, I hope that in this new year, that it isn't a new you. It is just your improved you, your disciplined you. It's the you that is. Keeping your word for you, even though you will do it for everyone else around you, but this, this season of growth for you is the season where you keep your word to yourself. Be disciplined and intentional for you. And let's start this year off right with the most randomest podcast ever. And I can't wait to see what. What comes from it. I'm looking forward to all of the intention and discipline and showing up for me. Cause I mean, in this path of growth, I've encountered so many things that have opened my eyes because I'm very, I'm very like introspective. I will go in. I'm very aware when I'm. Um, on some Patrice shit, cause y'all know I got, I got my range of passionate, positive, petty, and penitentiary. So I'm aware of when I'm in my space of Patrice being Patrice, you know, cause that could be a whole verb sometimes, but. I have to look within, what is it, especially, especially when something is not going as planned or things have taken a detour, what is my part in the detour? How did I get there? What am I, what am I not seeing? What am I not listening to? And it's things like that, that sometimes we have to look at ourselves. One thing that I've learned, another thing that I have probably learned over the years is that there is no one that I will allow to derail. My growth. I can't do it. I have experienced, loss on such major levels in my life. And, my mother wouldn't want me to not be my best self. mother, my grandmother, my sister, nobody wouldn't want me to not be my best self. The loss of them should not derail me from Being great because I'm sure that that's not what they would want from me. So when I think about people right now and here in your circle, it's like, hey, who are you? Do you want the best for me? Do you see that for me? Because I see it for you and if you're not one who sees it for me, then maybe you shouldn't be here. So within my discipline is being intentional with what I put out. And what I get back and receive from others. But even if I didn't receive it, it shouldn't derail me from being my best self. In this next season of growth. We can blame it on the jobs, we can blame it on So many people at work, but what are you doing differently? If it's not working, change it for you and don't be afraid to change, to elevate, to grow. Be intentional and be disciplined in what you say that you want for you because it's nothing like keeping your word to yourself. And that sense of accomplishment when you have done all that you have said and set forth for yourself. Oh, it feels so good. was one of those things for me. If everything I said I wanted to do, I did. was even more social, y'all. Like, goodness gracious. Social and anybody who knows me, I'm definitely one for a solo meal, a solo date, a solo movie, everything's solo. I will spend a lot of time with self to get to know me, but I was social and hosting family. I hosted friends. I hosted a brunch. I'm on this podcast, chatting with you guys about life. And some of these crazy thoughts just, that just be in my head. But I kept my word to myself and it felt really good. Then I was like, what's next? So, like I said before, be intentional and be disciplined. You are worth it. You are worthy. I can't wait to see this next stage of growth for you and what that looks like. Cause I'm sure it's going to be something amazing. And as always, y'all, this is how I'm starting out with my positive patty math on grade 2024. Be blessed, be amazing, but most of all, be disciplined and intentional with you. And you guys will be hearing from me. Like you should because I didn't came from my hiatus and I'm back. So I look forward to it. Let's do this. 2024. Until next time. Don't forget guys to like, share, and subscribe to The Randomist. podcast ever with your girl. And I know that you could have done anything else, but you got options and you chose to spend your time with me. And I'm truly grateful until next time.